open a terminal in windows

How to start a terminal window at the directory selected - Linux.
Aug 29, 2012. it would NOT open any terminal windows. I would simply load my HotKey profile ( Command+Shift+X here), and only then would iTerm2 load its.
Jan 11, 2012. Every time I open Terminal, it opens two windows. One window has a bunch of text at the top that appears to be old commands(perhaps that I.
How to Open a Terminal Window in Ubuntu. Terminal is very useful tool in Linux OS. Many people prefer to use Terminal than Ubuntu Software Center or.
Terminal emulation - Tucows Downloads - Freeware and shareware.
Jul 18, 2012. Right-click any file or folder, and select the “Open Terminal Here” context menu ( idea borrowed from the Windows XP Power Toy “Command.
Bug #919084 ""Open Terminal” command often opens two windows.
Aug 29, 2012. it would NOT open any terminal windows. I would simply load my HotKey profile ( Command+Shift+X here), and only then would iTerm2 load its.
Jan 11, 2012. Every time I open Terminal, it opens two windows. One window has a bunch of text at the top that appears to be old commands(perhaps that I.
How to Open a Terminal Window in Ubuntu. Terminal is very useful tool in Linux OS. Many people prefer to use Terminal than Ubuntu Software Center or.
Jul 23, 2012. And if you're trying to open all windows from the terminal, you can forget it. I'm trying use the terminal as much as possible, and while I have.
Jan 20, 2012. When right-clicking an Xfce4-terminal window and selecting "Open Terminal", often two new terminal windows appear. This can also be seen.
Remote Desktop (Terminal) Services on Windows 7 - Bjorn Kuiper.
Specify a program to start automatically when a user logs on.
It would be nice if terminal windows could be shown in a panel. Pipe all .. I just wrote a plugin for easily opening a terminal at the current file or project folder.

Terminal Window - Atmel.
open a terminal in windows
windows - Use PuTTY as a local terminal emulator? - Stack Overflow.Open a new prompt/terminal window from Java - Stack Overflow.